
Do you need to screen a Sec 8 applicant or does the state do that?

Yes, you should absolutely screen a Section 8 applicant – verify income, run a credit check, etc.  The state has their own screening process for determining the person’s Section 8 eligibility, but that does not have to do with your screening process.

We treat every applicant the same whether they are Section 8 or not.  Everyone needs to verify their income and their credit.  This way you have a full scope of the person you may be renting to.

Does the state cover 100% of the rent? Or does the tenant have to pay a portion?

This depends.  A Section 8 tenant’s situation will determine how much the program will cover based on their situation – employment, children, etc.

Sometimes the program will cover 100%. Sometimes the tenant has to pay a portion and Section 8 covers the rest.

If the tenant’s situation changes, the amount covered by Section 8 can change too.

How does rent collection work?

The portion of rent paid by the state is sent directly to the landlord.  It does not go through the tenant.

Section 8 tenants will have a case worker you will work with.  The case worker will have you fill out paperwork as the landlord. This way the rent goes directly to you.

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